Creating YouSee’s Smart Living / IoT application collecting intelligence Smart Home devices.

    • YouSee
    • IoT Integration

    • Data Science

    • Data Engineering

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YouSee’s position in the market as the leading internet and TV provider for Danish households has given them a unique platform to leverage in launching the first cross-device Smart Living platform in Denmark. This supports their broader strategy to ‘smartify’ households for a healthier, safer and more green living. As a cornerstone to this strategy, YouSee is launching a smart living platform, built by Flowtale, to create transparency on different consumption measures, indoor living conditions and alarms; guiding their customers to healthier, safer and more sustainable consumption behaviour.


Cross-Device Platform

Providing a 360 data view, and intelligence on living, several sensor types, required multiple IoT services on the cloud platform, Azure.


Producing a relevant, multiple sensor interface for households with average technological understanding, required an in-depth visualisation process across many disciplines from customer experts at YouSee to UX experts at Flowtale.

Analytics / Data Science

Countless data points over hundreds of data sources created a complex, yet rich, data science foundation for creating very detailed thresholds, alerts and intelligence; guiding households towards smarter living.


YouSee and Flowtale’s Smart Living application condensed hundreds of data points from households’ understandable and relevant information across consumptions, living conditions, security and sustainability. The application uses analytics to provide real-time advice to each household, and real-time alerts when thresholds on consumption, indoor living conditions and/or security have been exceeded.

How we work, the Flowtale Way.

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